Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Crux of JobMob

The Crux of JobMob 2 Simonne of All Tips and Tricks is running a group writing project about best blogging achievements. What about JobMob's? Blogging Goals Technorati tracks over 112 million blogs. That's a lot of blogs but perhaps surprisingly, they all share one or more of these few objectives: Make money Spread news Share expertise Brand people or things Along the way, bloggers get warm and fuzzy about all sorts of blog statistics such as the number of subscribers (285 today in the JobMob Community), the number of visitors to the site on a given day, the number of comments you've left, etc. I track these things too, but… What Matters Most is Helping You Find Jobs After just 8 months since JobMob's official launch, a week rarely goes by without JobMobbers emailing in with questions or thanks.eval Sometimes, the messages are bittersweet like when a JobMobber unsubscribes because they found work. On the one hand it's sad to see someone go. On the other hand, the JobMob mission was accomplished. Knowing that JobMob helps you is a terrific motivator. It's the fuel that propels the JobMob car.eval That's my best blogging achievement by farâ€" making an ongoing impact in your job search, improving your life and hopefully, enabling you to help others in kind. Of course, making you laugh is important too.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Cognizant Candidate - Professional Free Resume Template

The Cognizant Candidate - Professional Free Resume Template The Cognizant Candidate Professional Free Resume Template No one likes to appear as if they are trying too hard to impress, especially during the job search. After all, companies want to hire self-confident candidates who can project authority. Thats especially true for managerial and executive roles. So if you want to give that absolutely no effort vibe with your application, consider using this professional resume template. It makes easy to brand yourself as a knowledgeable, goal-oriented and skillful candidate. The strategic layout allows you to list quite a lot of work experience details, as well as dwell on the education a bit longer. So dont forget to add any certifications, training and courses you have completed. Finally, you have the sidebar section that you can use to add a professional headshot, along with a career goals/objectives statement or a less formal personal statement.Sprinkle some keywords and power words strategically within your resume and you are almost set up. You just need to file that application to potential e mployers! File size: 189 KB Format: .docx Downloaded 3,527 times License: Free, personal use only. Please read the license terms for resources. Download previous article Why Good Cover Letters Never Include These Words and Phrases next article An Acting Resume Example To Help You Get To The Big Stage you might also likeFine Balance â€" A Creative and Professional Resume Template

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why Childrens Characters are Helping to Recruit

Why Childrens Characters are Helping to Recruit Now it may be a question you might have asked while interviewing potential employees, but how seriously should you consider the answer to which childrens character best describes you? A British shoe repair and key cutting business is doing just that. Timpson are now recruiting staff according to which Mr Men characters their personalities resemble. But which Mr Men or Little Miss character would you want to hire? Here are some of the most well-known ones for you to choose from: 1. Mr Tickle He is the very first Mr Men character that was ever created and as his name suggests, he just cant stop tickling people. Now this could be interpreted in two ways if your potential employee says they are like him. They are either the office prankster, who likes to have a bit of a laugh and a joke or they are the person who can change anyones mood and make them laugh. 2. Little Miss Sunshine Now if you recruit someone who likens themselves to this character then you can pretty much guarantee this is a person  who always has a cheery disposition. They are happy to be at work and sprinkle little rays of sunshine wherever they go and on whoever they meet. 3. Mr Greedy Whilst you might admire someone who shows drive and ambition, you want to be a little bit wary of someone who compared themselves to this character. Greed is not a good trait and certainly not in the workplace. #Timpson are using #MrMen to recruit new people! Which one are you? GoCustom Clothing (@_GoCustom) April 24, 2017 4. Mr Nosey Everyone has an inquisitive side and sometimes being curious is not always a bad thing especially if the job is for a detective or in investigations. But lets face it nobody likes someone who is so nosey that colleagues immediately stop talking when that person walks in to the room or worse still someone who constantly fishes for information which is no concern of theirs. 5. Little Miss Splendid We all like our staff to take care of their appearance and make an effort but when their appearance is so much of a distraction that its stopping others from doing their work, would they really be the best hire? Before you know it they will be asking for time off to get their hair or nails done or worse still using precious work time to buy that new must-have outfit online. 6. Mr Lazy They do say honesty is the best policy but if any potential employee says they are a lot like Mr Lazy then you may want to pass them up. There is nothing worse than an employee who doesnt pull their weight or finish the task in hand and its even worse if their work colleagues have to pick up the slack. 7. Little Miss Trouble Avoid at all costs. I dont think anything else needs to be said. Nobody wants a troublemaker in the work place. Just the thought of all the times you need to report them to HR is enough to give anyone a headache. So unless youre completely mad or want to set yourself a challenge, then I would give anyone who says theyre like this character a wide berth! Now using childrens book characters might not be the right approach for everyone as sometimes a strong CV and a particular skillset are key to whether someone gets hired. But if you want to hire purely on personality or character then why limit yourself to childrens characters, you could ask them to describe themselves as an animal, favourite movie character or weather!

Monday, May 18, 2020

On the Job by Anita Bruzzese Is ADHD Being Ignored in the Workplace

On the Job by Anita Bruzzese Is ADHD Being Ignored in the Workplace When I was in second grade, I had the Wicked Witch of the West as a teacher. With cat-eye glasses, hair in a viscously tight bun and always sucking a cough drop, this woman terrorized 30 children every day -- including me. (I once ate an entire eraser before school in an effort to make myself sick so I wouldn't have to go to school. It worked.)I managed to stay below her radar for the most part, but several kids had to take her bullying every day. One kid was named Lance, and he couldn't sit still. Today he'd probably be diagnosed with ADHD, but in those days -- my teacher ruled. And she ruled that he should be tied to his chair with his own belt. It still makes me sick to think about it.Thank goodness we understand much more about ADHD and have ways to treat it. But I think that in the workplace today, there is still a lot of misunderstanding. While employees may not be tied to their chairs, they may still be held back by those who don't understand their disorder. Here's the story I did for Gannett/ on the issue:Daryl Wizelman was diagnosed at age 6 with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) when he couldnt concentrate in class and was judged to be hyperactive by teachers. His pediatrician put him on medication, which he considered a real life-changer.Fast forward a couple of decades. Wizelman founds his own company, but employees say he doesnt seem to listen to them, rushing through meetings and showing little interest in their ideas. Again, his ADHD has come into play, and he struggles to find ways to take a childhood disorder and make it fit into a working world that expects top performers to be focused and organized.More years pass. Wizelman now says, despite his ADHD symptoms still existing, he has learned to be more aware of the appropriate way to behave and even sees the positive aspects of his disorder.It gives me a lot of empathy toward other people, with whatever struggles they may be facing. It teaches you to treat others how you want to be treated, says Wizelman, a Calabasas, Calif., speaker and author.Mental health professionals estimate that 9 million adults in the United States have ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD and attention deficit disorder (known as inattentive ADHD) include difficulty paying attention; being easily distracted; trouble finishing paperwork; fidgeting; talking too much; and procrastination. All these issues can cause workers with the disorder a lot of problems at work and possibly even get them fired.Michele Novotni, a psychologist and coach who specializes in workers with ADHD, says that the disorder is tremendously undiagnosed in adults, because in the past it was viewed as only a childhood disorder. Any adult not following through on work, for example, was simply seen as lazy, she says.Some of the criteria for children with the disorder are that they have trouble sitting still they get up and move around a lot, she says. But with adults, they may learn to sit still but their brains are in a hyperactive mode.Novotni says adults in the workplace with ADHD often may not stop to think before they say or do something they may commit social faux pas and hurt peoples feelings, a detriment to their workplace success since social interaction often is critical on the job.While many adult ADHD sufferers use medication to help them control their symptoms, learning to cope in the workplace often also takes coaching, Novotni says. Pills arent skills, she says.Novotni and other experts say some coping skills for those workers with ADHD include: Getting an assistant. Workplaces have cut out secretaries and assistants, and thats been deadly for those with ADHD, Novotni says. Those people provided them with needed structure. I suggest people get someone to help them rather its a college student or a virtual assistant.[rather?] Understanding priorities. Check with your boss to make sure you understand what tasks should be done first. Novotni suggests two white boards: one tha t serves as a parking lot for thoughts and ideas and a smaller one with only three priority items. Until the three priority items are done, you cant move on to other ideas or projects, she says. Being honest. Wizelman suggests that if youre a boss, let others know about your ADHD. Being transparent and vulnerable is important. It draws people in, and they get a greater understanding of you and you become a relatable leader, he says. Eliminating distractions. Try to sit near the speaker in a meeting or presentation so its easier to stay focused, and take notes to keep you on track. Getting an agenda beforehand can make it easier to follow along. Finding ways to fidget appropriately. Taking a walk on a break or exercising at a gym during lunch can help you relieve restlessness that you must contain during other parts of your workday.Novotni points out that employers should provide training on ADHD, both for those who suffer from the disorder and those who work with them. These people are often great employees they have so many ideas, so many things going on in their heads, she says.Feel free to share your thoughts about this issue in the workplace...Social Bookmarking

Friday, May 15, 2020

SEO - How Does ATS Resume Checker Free Helps?

SEO - How Does ATS Resume Checker Free Helps?One thing that makes an ATS resume checker free is its ability to do the job that it was designed for. No matter how large or how intricate the job is, it is impossible to fit all the details in a neat and orderly manner. Therefore, there is always room for errors and bad knowledge.However, if the recruiter could just have a bit more time on his hands to devote to doing a perfect job, there would not be any problems. With the right system, this is quite possible. The one that do not allow any mistakes, but instead has a technology that safeguards the site from unwanted intruders are the best. There are several to choose from and some of them have these features, while others lack them.You have to understand that no matter how good or how big the job is, it is still a job. You cannot expect perfection out of everything and when a perfect job is expected, the work is going to be rushed in to do. When you have deadlines to meet, there is no t ime to learn about mistakes and details. The company that does a very good job should make sure that they avoid the rush.When there is a need to ATS resume checker free websites, then it is imperative that the search engines are fast. In this way, people searching for jobs will not have to wait for too long because of the site's slow speed. Furthermore, the speed of the search engine should also have the same speed that the job market.If you try to surf for ATS resume checker free sites using the search engines, then you will most likely be bombarded with the information you need. In order to avoid this, you can rely on the blog directories. Blog directories allow you to post links to blogs or websites that are relevant to your search. However, if you want to make it free for you, then you will have to invest in these blogs and make them yours. This is important because you are building your presence. By getting your own content, you can get traffic to your website and also gain som e attention from people who would like to have access to the blogs. You will get more back links, which is good for your business.Now, once you have some good content, then you can get people to read it. At this point, you can easily place your links on these blogs so that anyone who wants to can easily go to your site. With such easy access, you will have more people visiting your site and when people visit your site, they are sure to click through to your website.Job portals that offer resumes at ATS resume checker free will make sure that the information is accurate. If they have problems, then they will provide details on their sites so that the user can report this problem to them. Their presence on the net will be that much more beneficial to the users.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Resume Layouts - Choosing the Right One for Your Professional Profile - CareerAlley

Resume Layouts - Choosing the Right One for Your Professional Profile - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Resumes and cover letters are considered the most effective way to sell your skills to a potential employer. Whenever a job vacancy is advertised it goes without saying that there are plenty of other applicants who are also eying the job. Since all employers and hiring agencies depend on these documents in determining a suitable candidate to fill the advertised job, they should be prepared in a professional way. This means that they should follow a specific resume format, based on different aspects related to the job description provided and the skills and qualification of the applicant. The format must also take into consideration the current demands of the job market. Knowing the best format to choose in relation to your career When doing some research on Internet you will find that there are several sites which give details on how to design this document. It should be noted however that since this is your instrument of marketing it should be in a format that is easy to read and understand at the same time. This means that the arrangement and presentation of words should be carefully selected. This organization of statements is what translates into a format. There are several of these formats which one can choose from but before picking any there are some important considerations that have to be noted. A person using a format that is not appropriate may be deemed careless and not really interested in that particular job. Choosing of a format should depend on factors such as work experience, work history, changes in your career line among other notable qualities that may be of interest to the hirer. The main formats that are easy to access and are always current There are many websites online offering samples resumes, where you can pick the most suitable design to match your specific needs. With these varieties it is easy to notice the differences in the formats adopted in each sample. These formats put a lot of emphasis on the above mentioned attributes to enhance the qualities that may be sought out by the employer or the requirements included in the job advertisement. The functional format for example is preferable if you intention is to highlight the skills accumulated over the years that are of relevance to the job at hand. It draws less attention to work experience and this is why the skills are grouped into categories and placed before the job history. If you are applying for a job that values the years of experience that one has then it advisable to go for the chronological format. This design makes it easy for the employer to identify the number of years served in particular job and probably in different positions. This is the reason why this kind of information is placed at the initial page of your resume. Combination or hybrid is the format that is commonly used due to its ability to combine all the major composition of both the functional and chronological format. It puts emphasis on both the skills and work experience in order to highlight the achievements in work history as well as the skills possessed by an applicant. Read and understand what is required There is no restriction to the type of format to stick to; resume samples are there to give you basic guidelines. You can therefore review yours to match the current job you are applying for. It is important to read carefully the job specifications and what is expected from an applicant. You can then format your document to match these requirements. more Resume Killers Book Corner [easyazon_link asin=1593577338 locale=US new_window=default nofollow=default tag=caree07-20 add_to_cart=default cloaking=default localization=default popups=default]Resume Magic, 4th Ed: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer (Resume Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer)[/easyazon_link] Byline: Jose Sanchez -Resume Writer and Career Adviser since 1999. Writing and sharing contents related to Resume Writing, Job Interview Questions and Cover Letters. This is a Guest post. We are always eager to hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions regarding CareerAlley content. Good luck in your search,Joey Google+ Job Search job title, keywords, company, location jobs by

Friday, May 8, 2020

6 Reasons Social Media Got People Fired -

4. Risky on Reddit.One man from Texas was famous on Reddit for being a troll called Violentacrez. He had a reputation on the site for posting  disturbing pictures of under-aged girls in bikinis and being offensive as possible. After having his real identity exposed in an article on  Gawker, the man was fired immediately from his programming job.With no job and a tarnished professional reputation, the man set up a PayPal account to accept donations from fans. Not exactly a reliable source of income.5. Viral complaints on YouTube.A viral video is the ultimate combination of people eating their words and the visual to go along with it. Hence, it’s incredibly easy to post a video on YouTube and get fired as a result.A few years ago, four news reporters from Arkansas  posted a few videos complaining  about their jobs and the people they’ve met in their line of work. They filmed the videos at the news station and at actual news events, using the station’s equipment. Needless to say, everyone involved in the making of these videos was fired.6. Blogging about work.Blogs have gotten a lot of professionals intro trouble in the past. Take the English teacher from Pennsylvania, for example. She wrote a  blog about her students’ behavior.The blog was only intended for her friends, and she didn’t write about anyone specific, but it caught someone’s attention anyway. She called her students “rude, lazy, disengaged whiners” and became known for it. The school district suspended her with pay.There are hundreds of other stories online about people losing their jobs over social media. Don’t be one of these people. Avoid posting anything offensive on social media. This includes things relating to your work and things relating to your personal life. You are a representative of your company and will be treated as such.What’s the worst thing you’ve seen someone do on social media that got them fired?